Covid-19 Registration and Session Booking

We are very pleased that you want to fence with us. To keep everyone as safe as possible, we are asking everyone that wishes to fence with us to Register, using this form.

Additionally, as the numbers permitted to attend per evening are limited and the group sizes restricted to 5 or 6, you will need to book your place each week IN ADVANCE using this form.

Once your Booking has been accepted, you will receive confirmation by email. This is not an automated function so please allow time for your booking to be processed. Should Booking exceed available spaces, unsuccessful fencers will be given "first refusal" for the following week.

We are very grateful to St Joseph's College for permitting us to reopen. Conditions of the reopening were that we follow Government and British Fencing guidelines and that we provided them with a copy of our Risk Assessment and our Covid-19 Policies.

If you are interested, you can find them here:
Salle Joseph Risk Assessment
Salle joseph Covid-19 Policy
British Fencing Guidlines (will open in new tab/window")
(video from YouTube -